Fourth of July Holiday Schedule
Please note we will be open on Wednesday, July 4th, and running a holiday class schedule as follows:
Holiday WOD Class at 9:15am
Holiday WOD Class at 10:30am
Please sign-up in advance to save your spot and to allow our coaches to prepare appropriate logistics for the group size in each class. If you've signed up for one of the classes and know you can't make it please cancel ASAP so someone else can take your place - and please do NOT double-book yourself for both classes.
Thanks and hope everyone had a great weekend!
WOD For 07-02-18:
AMRAP 17 Minutes:
17/13 Calorie Row, Ski, or Assault Bike
17 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in
17 KB Swings @ 70/53 lbs
17 Handstand Push-ups
I sometimes get the question from folks doing the workouts from afar with different equipment - "Do I do 17/13 calories on an AirDyne Bike as well?" The answer is no, if you're using an AirDyne then do 26/20 calories instead (if you're ever unsure you can always multiply by 1.5 and then round up).
If you cannot do 17 handstand push-ups in 3 sets or less then consider scaling HSPU reps to 13 per round.
Hollow Rocks
Today we will score this by TOTAL reps.