Monday Toes-to-Bar (Among Other Things!)
I'm a big believer in the fact that a different voice saying virtually the same message can sometimes help an athlete reach an "A Ha!" moment. Sometimes the slightly different phrasing or the way the information is presented can make things click... sometimes it's just easier to listen to a different person for whatever reason. Regardless, if it helps then I'm all for it!
Here's a nice video from the good folks down at Invictus covering tips to help with toes-to-bar. Maybe it will help some of you find an 'A Ha!" moment on Monday!
WOD For 07-16-18:
1 Power Clean + 3 Push Presses:
12 minutes to build to a top set
If possible, add to your top set from 06-25-18.
3 Rounds For Max Reps (1 Minute Per Movement):
Push Presses @ 95/65 lbs (no rack)
Dumbbell Snatches @ 50/35 lbs (alternate sides)
(REST 1:00)
This workout is eleven minutes long, including rest minutes between rounds. There is no built-in transition time between the three movements, so hustle accordingly.