The "August Open Gym Challenge"
Presenting the "Arena Ready August Open Gym Challenge"... with an early release which gives you an extra Sunday in July to complete the workout!
The rules are simple:
1) Workout must be completed during Open Gym on Sunday
2) Someone else other than you and your partner vouches for your time LOL (sorta kidding, I trust all of you)
Here's the workout:
"AR 3-2-1 Cardio"
With a Partner For Time:
3000m Row (switch every 250m)
2000m Ski (switch every 250m)
100 Calorie Assault Bike (switch whenever you like)
Only one person working at a time (obviously), and you must share the same rower, skierg, and bike.
On August 26th Sarah and I will attempt to beat the fastest time, and if we can't succeed that fastest team gets bragging rights and an exciting prize pack valued at over 1,000 Philippine Pisos.
Come on now! Surely you can beat and old fart with a bionic hip and a lady who just had a baby!
WOD For 07-26-18:
Alternating EMOM For 6 Rounds (24 Minutes):
1) 4 Back Squats @ pick load
2) 8 Box Jumps @ 30/24 in
3) Max Calorie Row
Record loading used for back squats and total calories rowed.
You pick the loading for the squats - they can be "6x4 across" or "4s climbing" as long as your technique is solid. Still feeling Tuesday's WOD? Then go lighter and make every rep perfect. Didn't do Tuesday, or did but felt recovered after Wednesday's workout? Then go heavier by feel.
The box jumps are intended to be done with measured explosiveness and not rushed.
The row is your wildcard. Go hard and fast to make the WOD spicy. Stay brisk and smooth if you need the recovery.