Thursday Triplet: Light & Fast
Great job to the groups who joined us for the "Hotshots 19" hero WOD on Wednesday! As we move through the week of programming we'll use our Thursday training sessions to continue to build on our snatch progressions -- the last couple of weeks we've worked on the 1st and 2nd pulls (high pulls and snatch variations from the floor), and this week we dial-in the 2nd and 3rd pulls by working from the hang.
We also go from upper-body puling via strict pull-ups on Wednesday to upper pushing on Thursday, while providing a counter-point to the long, aerobic stimulus from the 4th of July with some light and fast bursts of intensity.
WOD For 07-05-18:
Hang Power Snatch:
For Time:
Calorie Row
Hand Release Push-ups
Hang Power Snatches @ 75/55 lbs