Monday: Snatch EMOM + "Jeremy"

Last week we worked on 3-position snatches with powers, and this week we’ll incorporate powers into an EMOM complex that should help athletes gain comfort in the full (AKA “squat”) snatch by dissecting its parts… and then putting them together.

Also last week saw a 21-15-9 triplet involving OHS at this same lighter loading (95/65 lbs), but this week instead of deficit HSPUs and SDHPs we pair those OHS with burpees. It’s an old school main site WOD named “Jeremy” and it’s as close to an all-out sprint as many of us can get with a barbell.

Hope you all had a good weekend.

WOD For 10-01-18:

EMOM For 12 Minutes:

1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat + 1 Squat Snatch

Climbing only as your technique allows



For Time:


Overhead Squats @ 95/65 lbs


(Compre to 11-11-14)

Workout courtesy of

Jenny Morgan