Wednesday Push-Push-Unilateral-Lunge

“Live your life in couplets and triplets. Go heavy at least once a week. Every now and then go long. Eat real food. Work hard. Rest when you need to. Laugh a lot. Get out of the gym. Shut your phone off. Enjoy life.”

-Pat Sherwood

WOD For 01-16-19:

Strict Press:


*If possible add to your top set from 01-02-19


AMRep 8 Minutes:

2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, etc…

Deficit Handstand Push-ups

12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, etc…

Single KB Front Rack Walking Lunges @ 53/35 lbs

*You MUST switch KB front rack sides halfway through each rep round (e.g. the round of 12 must be 6 reps with KB racked RIGHT then 6 reps racked LEFT)

Jenny Morgan