Coach Kim's Saturday Heat Times

Per the blog post yesterday, here are the Saturday heat times for Coach Kim at the 2019 NorCal Masters Competition.

WOD 1 - 10:18am

WOD 2 - 1:20pm

WOD 3 - 3:33pm

The competition will take place at the Marin County Civic Center:

3501 Civic Center Drive

San Rafael, CA 94903

We will post Sunday heat times to the private Arena Ready Facebook Group on Saturday evening once they have been released. For carpooling or organizing with AR buddies feel free to post in the private Facebook Group to connect with others who may be heading over.

Good luck, Kim!!!

WOD For 01-26-19:

With a Partner Against a 25-Minute Clock:


… then, AMRAP of…

30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 95/65 lbs

30 Push Presses

30 Lateral Bar Burpees

30 Thrusters

30 Calorie Row, Ski, or Assault Bike (FM Pairs = 27 Cal / FF Pairs = 24 Cal)

*The faster runner starts on the SDHP immediately and does NOT have to wait for their partner to complete the run.

*One athlete working at a time on the AMRAP, switch whenever you like (tagging not required).

Jenny Morgan