Coach Kim's Thanksgiving (Track Day) Turkey Trot

Reminder about our Thanksgiving week holiday class schedule (click here for details).

Coach Kim will be running a holiday “Hero” WOD at the track on Thanksgiving Day this Thursday morning, Nov 28th at 9:00am. The workout will involve a good amount of running and bodyweight movements, so be prepared to get after a tough one with a bunch of Arena Ready friends before you head out to your holiday festivities. Scaling options will be provided and we ask that you please sign-up for the workout in advance (just as you would for a normal class) so we know who & how many to expect on-site.

The workout will take place at CCSF Track (AKA George Rush Stadium at City College of SF) and meet up time on Thursday morning is 9:00am sharp. We will run the workout come rain or shine, so please be prepared for whatever mother nature throws our way that morning. Google map 324 Havelock Street for directions to the base of the parking lot where the group will gather before heading up to the track promptly at 9:00am!

WOD For 11-26-19:

For Total Time:

BUY-IN: 1000m Run

Then, 5 Rounds of…

20 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft

12 Toes-to-Bar

200m Row

Jenny Morgan