Lost & Found Reminder

Another reminder to please check the gym’s Lost & Found over the next several days before we donate the contents on Monday, Feb 18th.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you (several times) when you walk in next week and see Molly or Kate doing burpees in your favorite sweatshirt. Yes, that’s happened.

WOD For 02-14-19:

5 Cycles of 2:30 Work / 2:30 Rest:

15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

15 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs @ 35/20 lbs (each hand) & 24/20 in

50 Double Unders

Goal is to complete all 50 double unders (DUs) every cycle within the 2:30 window, and your score is total DUs completed (best possible score = 250).

If you are cut-off on the DUs score that cycle by the number of DU reps completed.

If you are cut-off on the DB box step-overs then you picked the wrong scaling for the step-overs or the pull-ups OR both (not even close, in fact, so adjust on the next cycle!).

Jenny Morgan