The Oxford Comma

Welp, a harmless little reference to our friend on Saturday started a bit of friendly debate among members. I’m here to say that there’s nothing more American than an Oxford comma (the MLA would agree), so quit being lazy and just use it already.

And while we’re at it please cut it out with the “Cheers” and “Ciao” at the end of your emails. This isn’t Europe and no one cares that you spent a Semester At Sea in 1998.

Happy Monday!

WOD For 08-19-19:

4 Rounds For Max Reps (0:45 Seconds per Movement / 0:15 Seconds Rest Between Movements):

Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 115/75 lbs

Ring Dips

KB Swings @ 70/53 lbs

Row, Ski, or Assault Bike Calories

(REST 1:15 Between Rounds)





Hollow Rocks

Jenny Morgan