Partner Snatches "Touch-and-Go"

A little mid-week partner power snatch + OHS piece should make for a spicy Wednesday WOD!

WOD For 09-04-19:

With a Partner On a Running Clock...

A) 0:00 - 12:00

2 Power Snatches + 2 Overhead Squats ("Touch-and-Go"):

12 minutes for both partners to build to a top set using the same barbell


B) 15:00 - 27:00

AMRAP 12 Minutes:

10 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in

8 Power Snatches @ 95/65 lbs

6 Overhead Squats 


One person working at a time. Complete one FULL round of 10-8-6 then switch. 

Yes, the power snatches and OHS should be "touch-and-go" and unbroken to start the workout.

Jenny Morgan