A Message from Coach Hill

A message from our fearless leader, Coach/Pres. Hill:

Hi everyone,

What a day, week, year we're living through. Remembering 9/11 & Sparkle. Then there's George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and countless others who have suffered injustice and all those lost and still suffering from COVID-19. Topping it off we have fires, smoke, and climate change all impacting our health. It's overwhelming, and I know many of you are struggling.

Yet, we're still here, here for each other, and are stronger together. We will get through this. I'm grateful for all of you and for being a part of this community that I hope provides a reprieve from all of the above if only for a few moments of the day.

On to logistics, we are going to cancel Saturday’s Outdoor WODs due to air conditions and instead host one Zoom session at 8:30AM.  We'll post an update for Sunday closer to game time.
Love to you all and let us know how you're doing!

Coach Hill


PART A | AMRAP 8 minutes:

4 DB Hang Power Snatches, 50/35 lbs

2 x 10 High Knees

6 DB Hang Power Snatches, 50/35 lbs

3 x 10 High Knees

8 DB Hang Power Snatches, 50/35 lbs

4 x 10 High Knees...

Continue adding 2 reps + 10 reps each round until time expires.

PART B | With a partner, AMRAP in 8 minutes:

Partner A: 20 Handstand Shoulder Taps

Partner B: Push-ups

Switch when Partner A completes the shoulder taps.


Jenny Morgan