Last call for board nominations

The first official FCCF board elections will occur from Wednesday 12/16 to Sunday 12/20. We will send more information (via email) regarding the voting process. In the meantime, please don't forget to nominate yourself or others for a board position by Wednesday, December 11th. Email nominations to

And save the date Sunday, 12/13/20: FCCF Open House & Holiday Toy & Food Drive! More details to come.

MONDAY 12/7/20

PART A | In 18 minutes:

Barbell Complex 1-1-1-1-1

Power Clean

Hang Squat Clean

Push Press

Push Jerk

Build to something heavy for today.

PART B | “Betty”:

5 Rounds For Time of

12 Push Presses (135/95 lb)

20 Box Jumps (24/20 in)

TUESDAY 12/8/20

PART A | 20 Rounds:
Max Row or Bike Cals, 20 secs

Rest 40 secs

PART B | 3 Rounds for quality:

8 Single Arm Kneeling Press (per side)

16 Hollow Rocks

8 Reverse Lunges (per side)


PART A | 10 minutes:

Handstand practice

PART B | For time:

3 rounds for time of:

5 Devil's Press 50#/35# (or Bar MUs)

Handstand Walk, 10 m

200m Run or 15/10 Cal Bike/Row

Then, rest 5 minutes, and then…

2 rounds for time of:

5 Devil's Press 50#/35# (or Bar MUs)

Handstand Walk, 10 m

200m Run or 15/10 Cal Bike/Row

THURSDAY 12/10/20

PART A | Deadlifts:


PART B | Alternating tabata:

KB Swings 53/35


FRIDAY 12/11/20

PART A | 4 Rounds for time of:

Run, 800 m

30 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs

12 Bent-over Barbell Rows or CTB Pull-ups

12 V-ups

Jenny Morgan