Thank you, FCCF Community!

Thank you, FCCF Community, for making our new Rev. Dr. MLK, Jr. Day Tribute WOD tradition such a successful one.

We saw new and old faces at the gym, we were delighted that many remote community members joined in, and we raised thousands of dollars for local non-profit orgs that serve communities of color. Now onto that Inauguration Day…!

TUESDAY, 1/19/21

WOD #1: EMOM, 3 Rounds, for Quality:

Good Mornings

Eccentric Push-ups (3-second descent, then explosive push-up)

Bent-over Rows

Side Planks (switch halfway through)

Use the same barbell weight for Good Mornings and Bent-over Rows.

WOD #2



Use the heaviest weight you can for each set.


WOD #1:

Snatch + Overhead Squat


WOD #2: 3 rounds for time of:

Run, 400 m

5 Power Snatches, 115/80 lbs

10 Overhead Squats

10 Lateral Bar Burpees

400m run = 500m row/ski or 1200m bike

Jenny Morgan