CrossFit Open Week 2

Week 2 is here and it’s a long one! We’ve got a 20 minute AMRAP.

CrossFit Open 24.2
As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
Row, 300 m
10 Deadlifts, 185/125 lbs
50 Double Unders

Full details about all divisions and movement standards are online. Please take time to look them over before coming to the gym! (Links: RX/Scaled/Masters and Foundations)


Sign up for class as you normally would. When you come, you will sign up for a heat and there will be a self-directed warm-up for you to follow. Expect to work out during one of the heats and judge/cheer a friend during another. If you know you need extra time, come a bit early to get yourself warm and cheer people on.

Can’t make it Saturday? Post to Slack and we’ll help find a time for you to do it with a judge before the Monday 5PM score submission deadline.



  • Standard: rower must be set to 0 at the start of each interval and count up. (Your judge should do this for you.)

  • If you know it, aim for your 5K pace. If you don’t, expect to go at a moderate pace that leaves you ready to get right into the deadlifts. (Test in warm-up.) Going a few seconds slower here will make a big difference on the other movements over the course of the 20 minutes.

  • Set your straps so they are just loose enough for you to be able to slide in and out without adjusting them.


  • If the weight is light, aim for unbroken or a purposeful single quick break as long as possible.

  • If the weight is moderate-heavy, break it up often from the start as it will get heavy fast.

  • There is a lot of pulling and hinging in this workout. Set your back on every rep to avoid burning out.

  • Listen to your body!  All it takes is one bad deadlift to have a serious injury. If something doesn’t feel right with your body during the work out, call it a day.

Double Unders:

  • Smooth is fast here! Relax the shoulders and arms and keep breathing.

  • If you miss, no big deal! Stay calm and get back into it so you don’t fall into the trap of frantic repeated misses.

  • Place your rope down carefully at the end of each set so it doesn’t get tangled.

  Pacing: keep it moving!

  • Pick a pace that is uncomfortable but sustainable. Think about how you’ve handled pacing during our longer workouts each week and aim for that feeling. Try to be consistent in how long the rounds take and don’t start out too hot.

  • Aim to pick up the pace somewhere between the 12-15 min mark, depending how you’re feeling.

  • Transitions matter quite a bit in this workout as there is a lot of switching between movements. Get right into the next movement and, if needed, take a short break in the middle of the set.

  • If you know you’ll need breaks on the deadlifts or double unders, plan when they will be. It’s easier to keep that type of break short than when you’re so tired you have to stop.

  • If the deadlifts and double unders aren’t too bad for you, push the pace a bit on the rower. Likewise, if the deadlifts and/or double unders are hard, use the rower as an active recovery so you can be ready to push through the other two movements.

  • Don’t forget to double knot your shoelaces! 😊


We will have scaling options for everyone! If you’re entered online, there is an official scaled version. (See above). Remember though, that any reps at RX beat all scores at scaled! So, if you’re able to do some of the deadlifts at the RX weight and some double unders, do it! If you hit the wall on them but want to keep doing the workout, tell your judge you’re done with the RX version and switch out whichever movement is limiting you.

Here’s to another week of having fun, cheering on your friends, and challenging yourself.


3/11-3/15: Two down, one to go!


One down, two to go!