11/11-11/16: Remembering Chad Wilkinson with the "Chad" Memorial WOD

🎢 Ready for some (high) steppin’ action?! Join us on Monday, 11/11!

We’re kicking off the week with our traditional Veteran’s Day WOD “Chad,” which is 1,000 box step-ups for time. This WOD is dedicated to Chad Michael Wilkinson of the US Navy, who took his life on October 29, 2018 after 22 years of active service.

Chad’s workout and life inspired the creation of The Step Up Foundation @thestepupfoundation, which features the workout in a virtual “CHAD 1000X” event, bringing together athletes from around the world to raise awareness of the epidemic of veteran suicide and to help be part of the solution by supporting veteran health initiatives.

On Monday, November 11, we remember Chad Wilkinson and thank all of our FCCF members who have served and continue to our serve in our military. We are grateful that you are here.


🎉11/18-11/23: Holiday Party on 12/6! Plus, this week's WODs...


11/4-11/9: Don't forget to VOTE by 11/5! đź’Ś