WOD 2/7-2/12: Register for CrossFit Open 2022
🥳🥳Hope you’re excited as we are about the 2022 CrossFit Open. Registration is now open!
🤔You’re probably wondering what is CrossFit Open and why should I care?
The CrossFit Open is a yearly event where we all get to test our fitness. Each week, CrossFit releases a workout that everyone completes. Workouts are announced on Thursdays on CrossFit Open’s website. Fog City CF programs the Open workouts to be completed by athletes on Saturdays. You don’t have to be registered to complete the workout; however, the more people that register and participate, the more fun we all have together! It’s also pretty cool to be doing the same workouts as a few hundred-thousand people around the world.
There are three different scaling levels, so there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re a veteran who wants to see where you’re at, a newbie just learning, or just want to push yourself to see what you can do, there is something for everyone! There’s always a bunch of firsts — first double under, pull-up, or muscle-up or a PR on a lift.
We’ll be celebrating the end of the Open with a party on March 19, 2022 with prizes for performance and fun! Stay tuned for party details!
3 weeks of workouts, Feb 24 - March 14
The workouts are released on Thursday at noon and everyone has until Monday at 5pm to complete.
The workouts will be programmed on Saturday. You can make them up during a coached Open Gym (Friday or Sunday).
🪜There are three levels for each workout:
RX (do the workouts as written, can include more advanced skills)
Scaled (modify the weight and/or movements)
Foundations (new to CrossFit or still leaning movements)
There are also age group divisions if you’re a Master (over 35) or a young ‘un (14-17)We will be including scaling at these levels the next couple of weeks so you can get used to them.You can sign up for the Open at open.crossfit.com. Make sure to select Fog City as your affiliate!Want to learn more? This article has a great summary of the Open and why it’s exciting for everyone! [link to “What Is the CrossFit Open, and Why Should I Sign Up?”]
👚👕Get your SWAG on:
Order a shirt or tank to wear during the workouts and get into the CrossFit Open spirit!