1/13-1/18: New Programming Cycle

This week we’re starting a new programming cycle! Here's what you can expect over the next 9 weeks:

Dedicated Strength 2x/week (days will vary):

  • Lifting & Aerobic + Complementary Accessory Work → Build strength in squatting, pressing, and pulling paired with accessory work that will make it a full-body day.

  • Clean and Jerk Variations + Unilateral Accessory Work → Develop consistency in these lifts, improve positions, and build explosive power. The unilateral (single leg/arm) focus will work imbalances and develop well-rounded strength.


  • 2-3 days of classic varied high intensity workouts, short to medium length

  • 1 long day with lower intensity and sustained effort. These will feature carries and some other "grunt" work.

  • Sweaty Saturday Partner workouts

Accessory/Skill Work:

  • Classic post-workout focuses: midline, shoulder, and recovery/stretching

  • Skill-focuses: work on developing specific skills during warm-up progressions or post-WOD skill focuses

And here are this week’s workouts:


1/20-1/25: Continuing the New Programming Cycle


1/6-1/11: Here we go, 2025!