World Burpee Day + Patrick Vellner
And to think, we didn't even make you do burpees yesterday (don't worry, Saturday will make up for it)...
I'm actually a big fan of Patrick Vellner - even though he may not get all the press and attention of some of the other top names in CrossFit, his approach to training resonates with how we like to work at Arena Ready - more is not better, better is better. Or perhaps, more fitting for those looking to specialize in the sport of fitness - more is not better, more is the byproduct of better.
Vellner was featured in an article titled "How Patrick Vellner did it all wrong, and how it ended in a CrossFit Games podium finish" which Sarah and I really enjoyed reading a couple of months ago. Click the link and give a quick read if you're a into the sport of CrossFit and the training systems of the top athletes. Basically he states that training for 8 hours a day doing multiple sessions/pieces (which has become the norm among top CrossFit athletes, and those looking to become top CrossFit athletes) is not necessarily the way to success:
Vellner's busy school schedule last year forced him to be efficient with his time, which he said is the way he likes it.
“Some people will spend seven or eight hours in a library and get nothing done. I’d rather do two hours of focused work. The same is true at the gym: You don’t need to do seven pieces a day like so many athletes are doing. At least, I don’t need to,” he said.
The only time Vellner did dabble with being a full-time athlete was during the few weeks between regionals and the Games, and he quickly grew bored.
“I was living and training with Michele Letendre right before the Games, and they were such long days of doing nothing really. So then I’d feel guilty about doing nothing, so I’d say, ‘OK, maybe I”ll stretch a little bit,’ he said.
I can't tell you how many times I get asked "what more should I be doing?" Often the answer is "focus on getting better at what's on the board today" - which is not always met with a positive response, haha. The old adage of "you don't need harder workouts, you need to go harder" applies to every level in the gym, from new athlete (assuming mechanics and consistency of movement are dialed-in) to aspiring CrossFit Games competitor.
On her way to a top-10 CrossFit Games 2016 California Regional finish, Sarah's training journey included about 6 months of Arena Ready class & Barbell class programming, nearly an entire MONTH OFF of training (when she thought she hadn't made the cut after The Open), and about 30 days of Regional-specific prep which were largely composed of 1 (or occasionally 2 sessions) per day. That's it. Sure, it's more than many of us do on a regular basis, but I'd be willing to bet that's it's less than half of what most top Regional and Games athletes do on average. She tries like hell to move well, to be better at what's on the board than last time, and to go hard like somebody's chasing her. I love that Patrick Vellner basically did the same thing and took that method all the way to the podium on ESPN this past summer.
More is not better. Better is better.
WOD for 10-13-16:
Back Squat:
If possible, add to your top set from last week 10-06-16.
3 Rounds for Max Reps:
Row OR Assault Bike Calories
Overhead Walking Lunges w/Plate @ 45/35 lbs
Kettlebell Swings @ 53/35 lbs
Ring Dips
This is 0:40 of work per movement followed by 0:20 rest. There is 1:20 rest between rounds. Your score is total reps completed across all 3 rounds.