In the dictionary, "virtuosity" is defined as great ability or skill shown by a musician, performer, etc. CrossFit defines virtuosity as doing the common uncommonly well. I believe that CrossFit's definition leads to the dictionary's definition. If you do the common uncommonly well, over time you develop great ability or skill.
When Kevin McMahon (2x U.S. Olympian in the hammer throw) was coaching me at Stanford, and again when he came to speak at Arena Ready, he talked about how our habits are like paths in the freshly fallen snow. Initially, in learning a new skill all movement patterns are equally awkward. Over time, the familiar movement pattern, the habit that we've built, feels the most comfortable. Sadly, the most comfortable movement pattern isn't necessarily the best one, it's merely the most comfortable. Even more unfortunate, once a habit has formed it's much more difficult to move well than it would have been prior to practicing it incorrectly countless times.
Said another way, in every single rep we have a choice: move better, move worse, or move the same. Each individual rep can seem relatively insignificant, except that every single rep is forming a habit, and setting a movement pattern. If each rep is merely a tally towards the goal of 10, 50, 100 reps, and no attention is paid to how the rep is done, we're likely to form relatively poor movement patterns because initially the best movement is seldom the one that feels the easiest. Good movement requires work - it might require stretching or straining - and at the very least it requires focus. In order to move well, and especially to retrain faulty habits, we have to strive for perfection, or at least improvement in every single rep.
In life talent goes a long way, but in the long run, focused effort nearly always trumps lazy talent. If in every single rep we strive to move better: achieve more depth, maintain greater stability, move faster without losing control, or any number of "better" qualities, we move in the direction of better. Over time, we develop virtuosity.
WOD for 10-14-16:
Every 90 Seconds For 8 Rounds (12 Minutes):
30 Unbroken Double Unders
1 Power Snatch
Both movements are completed within the same minute. Power snatches can climb to a top set if technique allows, or can be the same weight across all eight rounds (athlete's choice).
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
21 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft
12 Power Snatches @ 95/65 lbs