Biathlon You Say?

Well, not quite that sort of biathlon.  Or this one for that matter... but pretty close.

WOD for 11-16-16:

Strict Press (Cycle 3, Week 3):

***Using your Cycle 3 "Base" weight...

75% x 5

85% x 3

95% x 1+ (Max Effort, i.e. as many reps as you can safely make)

***See this post from two weeks ago (click here) for how to calculate your current Cycle 3 "Base" weight.




"Mini Muscle-up Biathlon"

For Time:

400m Run

12 Muscle-ups

400m Run

9 Muscle-ups

400m Run

6 Muscle-ups


You must run a "penalty" lap of 200m every time you break a set of muscle-ups. 

Jenny Morgan