#TBT to Burpees & Spear Throwing

Throwback Thursday (aka "TBT") to that time almost three years ago when Arena Ready sent teams up to Sacramento to compete in both the Rx and Scaled divisions of the SacTown Throwdown competition, which (believe it or not) had an event that included burpees and spear throwing.

Check out how little Elodie is!  

Tyler and and Handsome Mike have moved away from the city (and Tyler & Katie were recently married - hooray!), but otherwise this team could be fit for a reunion pic on a Sweaty Saturday.  Maybe when Tyler and/or Mike drop-in?  

WOD For 11-17-16:

2 Power Snatches + 1 Squat Snatch:

4 Sets of (2+1)





AMRAP 17 Minutes:

17 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft

17 Power Snatches @ 75/55 lbs

17 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in

17 Push Presses @ 75/55 lbs

17 Calorie Row

Jenny Morgan