Sunday Yoga Class Switcheroos: Dec 4th & Dec 18th

REMINDER: Our annual Holiday Party is this Saturday, December 3rd, from 4-8pm (click for more info)!

A couple of our upcoming Monday evening Yoga classes this month are rescheduled to Sunday mornings, so hopefully many of you who wouldn't otherwise be able to make it in for Yoga can take advantage of the schedule swap!

This Monday's (Dec 5th) class is rescheduled for Sunday, Dec 4th, at 9am.

Next Monday's (Dec 12th) class is rescheduled for Sunday, Dec 18th, at 9am.  

Let us know if you have any questions, and get yourself over to yoga class for one, or both, of these Sunday opportunities.  Your body will thank you!

WOD for 12-02-16:


30 Rounds or Time:

5 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft

3 Handstand Push-ups

1 Power Clean @ 225/155 lbs

Jenny Morgan