AR Holiday Party Tonight, Dec 3rd!


We're looking forward to seeing you all tonight, Saturday Dec 3rd, for our annual Arena Ready Holiday Party!  We plan on getting started around 4:00pm, hopefully allowing those who have other parties or obligations to be able to attend prior to their engagements.  We'll probably wind things down around 8:00pm.

Potluck: Paleo or Not!

By popular demand we're continuing the tradition of making the party a potluck-style shindig, so feel free to bring a dish/treat/drinks to share.  Healthy options are of course appreciated but by no means required.  We have a potluck sheet at the gym if you want to take a peak before or after Saturday morning class in order to see what others may be bringing. 

Bring The Fam!

Our holiday parties, like many of our events, are generally family friendly - so bring your loved ones (including little ones) if so desired.  See you on Saturday night!  

WOD for 12-03-16:

AMRAP 22 Minutes, With a Partner:

100 Calorie Row

80 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in

60 Toes-to-Bar

80 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 95/65 lbs

1000m Run


Reps are shared with only one partner working at a time.  Reps can be divided in any fashion and do not have to be split evenly.  

Jenny Morgan