Very Sad News

We are brokenhearted to share that Cash Askew, Leisa and Sunny's child, was among the victims of the Oakland fire on Friday night. Cash was an incredibly beautiful person, one we were fortunate to get to know a little bit at Arena Ready as she prepped to go on tour with her band, Them Are Us Too. Their family is a very special part of our Arena Ready community, and we ask that you keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they process this deeply tragic loss.

We know that fundraising efforts are underway, and that their friends have set up a meal train.  To preserve their privacy, we'll be posting these links to the private Arena Ready Facebook group, along with anything else we learn our community can do to help.

We wanted to share this article to honor her memory.

WOD for 12-05-16:

For Time:

400m Run

40 Kettlebell Swings @ 53/35 lbs

40 Walking Lunges

400m Run

40 Push-ups

40 AbMat Sit-ups

400m Run

40 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft

40 Burpees

400m Run


(Compare to 01-25-15)

Jenny Morgan