Last Call: Weightlifting Shoe Cabinet Purge
Last call for the good ol' weightlifting shoe cabinet holiday season purge we mentioned a couple of weeks ago, so hopefully you've had a chance (or two) to double check your stuff and make sure there's no random equipment of yours being stashed away and forgotten.
If it's just your weightlifting shoes in the cabinet (which is really the sole intention of the storage unit) then you're good to go - we're also cool with neatly kept jump ropes, and clean (AKA "funk free") belts/sleeves/wraps that are placed inside or on top of your shoes. Anything that either A) looks like it hasn't been used in a year; OR B) stinks/looks dirty/is clearly broken or mis-matched will be removed and either discarded or donated. Same goes for items that don't belong, such as non-weightlifting shoes, old tattered shoe boxes, water bottles, random items of clothing, etc.
Please take a final look and claim (or confirm) your stuff as needed. We'll do our final purge this weekend. Thanks for your attention!
WOD for 12-15-16:
If possible, add to your working weight from 12-08-16.
"Terminal 2"
3 Rounds For Time:
70 Double Unders
50 Air Sqauts
30 Kettlebell Swings @ 53/35 lbs
10 Strict Handstand Push-ups