Yoga Class: Sunday, Dec 18th at 9:00am

A reminder that our final Yoga class before the New Year is this Sunday, Dec 18th at 9:00am.  Come in this weekend and take advantage of this Sunday treat for your body & mind - a perfect complimentary session to all your strength and conditioning training.  

Bring a mat if you have one, otherwise you can borrow one of ours - and please don't forget to sign-up for class in advance.  Thanks!        

WOD for 12-16-16:

Front Rack Alternating Reverse Lunge:


For Quality




Row Sprint Intervals:


Go every 3 minutes.

Each interval is for time.

Note your fastest interval and the delta between your slowest and fastest.


(Compare to 02-19-16, 02-09-15, and 07-18-14) 

Jenny Morgan