16.1: Thank You & Reminders
Wow, what a weekend of 16.1 awesomeness! We'll share some thoughts and highlights in the next couple of days, once all final heats have been completed, you all enter your scores (see reminders below), and we've had a moment to digest it all.
A HUGE thank you to Coaches Liz, Hillary, and Alyssa for running most of the show along with "Head Judge" Chad on Saturday! What could have potentially been a nightmare of logistics and chronically late-running heats ended up being a well-oiled machine, with most of our heats actually starting a bit ahead of schedule. It was amazing to watch such gutsy performances by our athletes without having to worry about the schedule/timeline of the competition day turning into a hot mess. Big thanks as well to the Friday night set-up/logistics crew including Coppertop, Flying Squirrel, Coach Cody, Coach Lindsay, and Coach Jon - they provided a ton of help in mapping things out, and deciding how the flow of events should occur. Without you folks we couldn't have run such a smooth weekend of heats of what could possibly be the most logistically demanding Open WOD in history (knock on wood).
A few reminders:
1) Your 16.1 score is due by 5pm (Pacific Time) on Monday. You must submit your score on the CrossFit Games website, as we cannot enter it for you (we can only validate it once it's been entered). DO IT NOW!
2) If you were not able to complete 16.1 during any of the Thursday through Sunday times (and you are officially entered in the Open) your last chance is on Monday during the added 1pm time slot. Doing 16.1 during Monday's morning (6am, 7am), noon, or 4pm classes is not permitted.
WOD for 02-29-16:
Hang Power Clean:
4 Rounds for Time:
21 Air Squats
15 Handstand Push-ups
9 Hang Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs