Lessons Learned as a CrossFit Affiliate Owner
Brian Strump, owner of CrossFit Steele Creek, recently wrote a post titled "6 Lessons I've Learned in 6 Years as a CrossFit Affiliate Owner" which I thought was quite spot-on. In general I usually find these types of posts/articles uninteresting since many of them are written by gym owners with whom I cannot empathize, generally because (by the sound of their reflections) their experience has been far different than my own. This one I can actually relate to, and I thought maybe some of you would get a kick out of reading it as well.
Click here to read the entire article (it's a quick 2-minute read) if you're interested... and if not, I'll simply leave you with one of my favorite excerpts (those of you who know me might actually think I wrote this... just swap "dog" for "daughter" haha):
Lesson 5) If You Have OCD, think twice- Many that know me, and those watching from a distance will see that I have many obsessive-compulsive tendencies. Fortunately, between aging and my daughter I’ve gotten better. However, this gym will terrorize you if you’re anything like me. It’s a good thing that it’s so much fun to just go back and talk to members so I don’t spend every waking minute trying to maintain order.
WOD for 03-15-16:
For Time:
800m Run
30 Deficit Handstand Push-ups @ 4/2 in
30 AbMat Sit-ups
60 Double Unders
600m Run
20 Deficit Handstand Push-ups
20 AbMat Sit-ups
40 Double Unders
400m Run
10 Deficit Handstand Push-ups
10 AbMat Sit-ups
20 Double Unders