April Group Orders Due This Weekend
A quick reminder that we've had the group/bulk order form out this week on the gym desk, and we'll be ordering snacks & supplements on Monday.
For those of you who would like to place orders but haven't yet, please make sure to write your items down on the form this weekend - and help us out by writing legibly (i.e. before your workout and not after, when you're shaking uncontrollably and dripping sweat all over the paper... haha).
To clarify - these are personal orders that we place for you in group/bulk format to take advantage of reduced shipping and/or bulk order rates (they are NOT orders for inventory we normally carry at the gym for individual sale).
The following items/brands are available for Monday's group order (Stronger Faster Healthier/SFH orders were already placed on Thursday):
Perfect Bars, Fuel For Fire, Rx Bars, Nick's Sticks, Rise Bars, NutriForce, Revive Rx
Thanks for your attention!
WOD for 04-23-16:
A) From 0:00 - 16:00
AMRAP 16 Minutes:
600m Run
16 Power Cleans @ 155/105 lbs
32 Lateral Bar Burpees
Only one partner working at a time. Run & reps are shared and may be divided in any fashion.
From 16:00 - 18:00
This is forced rest. Deadlift warm-up reps are not allowed during this 2 minutes, but loading the bar for the first set/attempt and gathering plates is allowed.
B) From 18:00 - 30:00
12 Minutes for Both Partners to Establish a Heavy Single Deadlift
Partners must use the same bar. Weights can be added or removed in-between sets/attempts.
*Score the WOD by rounds + reps completed in the AMRAP and total pounds lifted (both partners combined) in the deadlift.