A Message From Kim

... to her Arena Ready family:

As the season comes to a close for me, I wanted to thank every single one of you for your support and encouragement during the Open and the Masters Qualifier. I am so honored to have our amazing coaches and to be able to call all of you my Arena Ready Family. There are so many people that I want to thank, my 6am crew, y'all know who you are! All of the Barbellers, the Gladiators, and truly every single one of you, from newbie to forever AR member, grinding for that extra rep, pushing me to be the best that I can be. To our incredible Coaches who teach us with passion and knowledge and care, I am so grateful! Kathy, your support has meant the world. Rob and Sarah, you have built a gym that all of us call home. It's such a beautiful thing! This weekend, all of you filled me with the strength to do more than I ever thought possible, with your messages and words of support, your fist bumps and your hugs. I am humbled. I leave you with this video (Editor's note: we posted a pic instead since the video was on Kim's phone) and the belief that anything is possible, if you trust your coaches, do the work and believe. 251!!!! Thank You!!! 

WOD for 04-27-16:


Hang Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs

Lateral Bar Burpees


Row for Calories

(Rest 1 Minute Between Movements)

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, and is repeated eight times (over the course of four minutes).  Your score is the lowest rep count for each movement among the eight intervals.

This workout lasts 19 total minutes, including the 3 rest/transition minutes. 

    Jenny Morgan