Saturday Outdoor WOD & Class Cancellations

So as it turns out the Friday through Sunday No Parking restriction and accompanying street construction on Connecticut Street (which started immediately after the 7am class ended on Friday morning) have made it a bit too noisy and disruptive to comfortably run workouts at Arena Ready, so we have cancelled ALL of our Saturday and Sunday morning classes.  Instead (and by popular demand from many of you who have been requesting the return of an "AR Outside" workout anyway) we'll be organizing an outdoor WOD for Saturday morning starting at 9am.  If you'd like to join us please sign-up online (or through the Arena Ready app or Mindbody Connect app) so we know how many to expect, and then meet us near the SF State Track ten minutes before 9am on Saturday morning.  We'll meet on the ground floor of the parking garage at the end of State Drive (off of Lake Merced Blvd) - use "796 State Drive" as your Google Maps navigation address:   


We will walk down to the track together from the parking garage at 9am sharp - this is my way of saying "you will carry a kettlebell with you down to the track as the first part of your warm-up, and as a preview of your not-so-cool cool down."  Wear your running shoes and bring a water bottle (they have a drinking fountain on the track).

We apologize for the changes/cancellations and thank you for your understanding.  Everything should be back to normal (parking included) on Monday morning for our 6am and 7am classes.  Meantime, come out and play on Saturday - it will be fun to take our fitness outside of the gym!  

WOD for 06-25-16:

Sign-up for the "Outdoor WOD" and come join us to find out what we have in store for you!

Jenny Morgan