Arena Ready at The Track & Ballpark!

Track Day Saturday

On Saturday morning forty of our Arena Ready athletes made their way out to the track for a morning workout in the sun with friends new & old.  It was a blast getting outside the gym and enjoying some exercise in the sunshine among trees, grass, and a beautiful track.  Thanks to everyone who came out (what a big, energetic group!) and made it a fantastic kickoff for the weekend!

A big shout out to Jeff B for snapping some awesome photos of our athletes attacking the Sweaty Saturday WOD - a few of his pics are included below (as well as in the banner of this post):

Ballpark Sunday

On Sunday another big group of Arena Ready folks headed out to AT&T Park to watch the Giants beat the Phillies under sunny San Francisco skies: 

If you're a member at Arena Ready but aren't in our private Arena Ready Facebook group (where a lot of the news and organizing of these types of events are posted) then make sure to click on the link and request to be added!

WOD for 06-27-16:

"Partner Death By Barbell"

10 Rounds For Time, Split Evenly:

15 Deadlifts @ 135/95 lbs

12 Hang Power Cleans

9 Front Squats

6 Push Jerks


One athlete working at a time.  Partner A completes one full round and then Partner B completes one full round, etc.  Each athlete will complete 5 rounds for a team total of 10 rounds.

(Compare to 10-05-13)  

Jenny Morgan