Finding Your Swolemate


Some time ago Lisa G posted her blog "Finding Your Swolemate" - it's a great read, and fun to hear her perspective on the community of athletes at Arena Ready whom she considers her partners in crime.  The full article can be found here, and below is an excerpt: 

I’m lucky in that I have my husband, who has been my biggest supporter and fan throughout all my endeavors. I don’t like to get overly mushy, but Greg’s definitely my soulmate. He gets me, and occasionally knows more about me than I do about myself.  I am absolutely a lucky girl to have such a person in my life.  That being said, Greg and I have always agreed that me and my lifting/CrossFitting is separate from his exercise regime.  So, while I’m truly fortunate to have him, I’m even more lucky to have more than one “swolemate” or training partner at my gym.  Finding one swolemate isn’t easy, and having a whole team of them is something that has certainly taken a lot of time.  But I rely on each and everyone of my swolemates to get me through my training. If I were to do a breakdown of where I spend the most time that isn’t my office, it’s at the gym.  I’m a creature of habit too, and most of us crazies who workout at 6AM are just as passionate about making sure exercise is a priority as I am (because let’s be honest…waking up to lift heavy things requires some serious dedication).
The most awesome part about having more than one swolemate is that each person gives me inspiration or motivation in different ways.  And just to be clear, I have both girl and guy swolemates.  So to capture the reasons why having a swolemate at the gym is better than suffering solo, I thought I’d put together a few reasons why having a swolemate makes exercise much more palatable and fun!

Gary, Lisa, Kim, and Coach Laura

WOD for 06-28-16:

Alternating EMOM for 5 Rounds (10 Minutes):

Minute 1: 12 Unbroken Handstand Push-ups

Minute 2: 36 Unbroken Double Unders




4 Rounds For Time:

200m Run

12 Burpee Box Jumps @ 24/20 in

12 Toes-to-Bar

Jenny Morgan