Best Wishes, Natalie!

Well, it happened again.  We implemented an Arena Ready Moratorium (click here to read about it) some time ago when we heard the news - then the De Paris Duo moved, then Randy & Amie moved, it was Bye-Bye Becca, and now this (although we knew it was coming).  If you hadn't already gathered, Natalie is actually "Grace" (and Laika is actually "Isabel") in the email included in the Moratorium post, and sadly our morning class crew (and Arena ready as a whole) said farewell to Natalie last Friday.  She left us with a kind note that made us all grateful for the time she spent at AR:

As evidenced by Esterina's photo from this morning, today was my last day at Arena Ready :(. Before I joined AR, I thought it was weird and lame when people were overly enthusiastic about their CrossFit gyms. Now I'm the worst offender of them all (as Laika can attest based on my sales pitch a few months ago :) ). I can't thank all of you wonderful people enough for the skills, friends, and memories I've gained over the past year. I'm already thinking of excuses to come up to the city on Saturdays over the upcoming year (excuse #1 being spoiling Lindsey & Gordon's baby). In the meantime, stay the same, never change, and please don't let Rob play random "Upbeat Country Hits!!!" playlists on Country Wednesday.

We wish you all the best, Natalie, and hope that we see you soon (and often) when you come visit all your friends in San Francisco.  Take care and go kick some ass - we know you will.

Some of the Friday morning crew sending Natalie off in functional fitness style.

And now for the workout you'll all (y'all?... all y'all?... Natalie?) be doing to the inspiring tune of UPBEAT COUNTRY HITS on Wednesday...

WOD for 09-07-16:

Strict Press:

***Using 95% of your 1RM from 08-30-16 as your "base"...

65% x 5

75% x 5

85% x 5+ (e.g. Max Effort: as many reps as you can safely make)


***FOR EXAMPLE: if you lifted 120 lbs as your 1RM on 08-30-16 you would use 95% of that (114 lbs) as your base:

65% of 114 lbs = 74 lbs x 5 reps

75% of 114 lbs = 86 lbs x 5 reps

85% of 114 lbs = 97 lbs x 5+ reps (e.g. Max Effort: as many reps as you can safely make)

Yes, we know this will feel very light and fairly easy.  No, we don't want you to add weight to make it feel harder.  Enjoy these easier days and the heavier weights will eventually get here - just go with it, get the sets done, and move on to the squats.  Don't add more than you're supposed to do.  For most this is likely the bar, then maybe one more warm-up set before the first set of 5 at 65% - quick, easy, and eventually (over time) very effective.




Alternating Every 90 Seconds For 6 Rounds (18 Total Minutes):

90-Second Interval 1: 3 Back Squats, climbing

90-Second Interval 2: 100m Double KB Farmer Walk, pick load

Jenny Morgan