Kim at The 2016 Kill Cliff Granite Games

Kim "The Fittest Optometrist in San Francisco" heads to Minnesota shortly and will be competing at the 2016 Kill Cliff Granite Games this Friday through Sunday (September 9th, 10th, and 11th) in the Women's Masters 50-54 division.  You can watch all of her events LIVE on FloElite (click here for details), and can view the competition schedule, including venue information & time ranges for Kim's workouts/division, by clicking here on the Granite Games website.  

Kim will take the floor with some of the fittest athletes from around the world, and we are so excited for her to experience this elite level of competition.  Proud is a huge understatement when it comes to our resident #MiniMighty and all of the hard work and dedication that's required for her to perform at this high level.  

Safe travels, Kim, and GO CRUSH IT LIKE WE KNOW YOU WILL!

Megan sporting her Kim Tom "Eye Chart" shirt to show her #MiniMighty support!

WOD for 09-08-16:

Power Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats:

5 Sets of (1+2)

Climbing as technique allows




For Time:



Barbell Front Rack Lunges @ 115/75 lbs


The lunges are "per side" - for example, the round of 9 is equal to 9 lunges on the right and 9 lunges on the left (for 18 lunges total), completed by alternating legs. 

Jenny Morgan