Winter's New Faces

You may notice a handful of new faces in the gym, as we have a couple of new members who were CrossFitters from other areas/gyms, and several new folks who on-boarded during our Winter 2017 intake of athletes.  Since we only take on a handful of new members every several months as spaces become available, these will likely be the last new folks you'll meet before the post-Open Spring season.  So, say hello and get to know them a bit when you're in class together - just please also make sure to pay attention and listen to your coaches while doing so, haha.  Be your awesome selves and make our new athletes feel welcome as they join the Arena Ready family!

WOD for 01-24-17:

On a Running Clock...

A) From 0:00 - 15:00

"Partner Baseline"

For Quality:

1000m Row

80 Air Squats

60 AbMat Sit-ups

40 Push-ups

20 Pull-ups

One person working at a time. Split/share the reps however you like.


B) From 15:00 - 35:00

Front Squat:

Establish Your New 1-Rep Max


C) From 37:00 - 45:00

5 Rounds For Time:

12 Burpees

35 Double Unders 

Jenny Morgan