Good Luck Coach Alyssa & Coach Sarah!

Alyssa repping out some overhead squats

Alyssa at the 2017 NorCal Masters Competition

A reminder that Coach Alyssa would love your support at the 2017 NorCal Masters Competition this Saturday and Sunday at the Craneway Pavilion in Richmond, CA - she'll be throwing down with some of the fittest masters athletes on the West Coast!

NorCal Masters Competition Location:

Craneway Pavillion

1498 Harbour Way S

Richmond, CA 94804


Alyssa's Scheduled SATURDAY Heat Times:

WOD 1 - 10:01am

WOD 1 - 12:51pm

WOD 3 - 1:53pm

WOD 4 - 3:32pm

*She'll be in "Heat #8" for all workouts.

*Athletes will be placed in heats for SUNDAY competition based on the standings after Saturday's WODs

Head over to the private Arena Ready Facebook group to connect with other AR folks who will be making their way over to cheer on Alyssa.  GO ALYSSA GO!!! 

Sarah shaking out the travel while testing the D-Ball + Assault Bike WOD for this weekend's competition.  The venue looks great!

Sarah at the 10th Annual Fittest Games (TFG10)

Sarah and I are in Austin, TX, as she prepares to compete on Saturday and Sunday at the Fittest Games competition.  She'll be competing in the "Pro Division" with some of the fittest athletes in the country, including several CrossFit Games and NPGL/GRID athletes.   

In previous years the Fittest Games was streamed live on but sadly it appears that it may not be streamed this year.  For updates (and to check out the WODs/events and heat times for Sarah) you can visit the Fittest Games site here, their Facebook page here, and their Instagram feed here

I'll also do my best to keep the Arena Ready pages & groups updated as the weekend's events unfold.  GO SARAH GO!!!  

WOD for 01-28-17:

"Triple Tag Team Dream"

AMRAP 20 Minutes:

Athletes A and B Complete...

12 Hang Power Cleans @ 135/95 lbs

9 Front Squats

6 Push Jerks

Athlete C Completes...

400m Run


One person working at a time on the 12-9-6 triplet - reps do NOT have to split evenly.  There must always be one person running and that person must always switch after 400m.  The team's score is rounds + reps completed of the 12-9-6 triplet.

Jenny Morgan