Congrats Coaches Alyssa & Sarah!

Coaches Liz, Alyssa (who crushed it in competition), and Hillary at the 2017 NorCal Masters Competition this weekend at the Craneway Pavilion in Richmond

Coach Sarah at the Fittest Games this weekend in Austin (photo courtesy of Lisa Mayes Owens)

WOD for 01-30-17:

For Time:

40/30 Calorie Row

40 Toes-to-Bar

40 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 95/65 lbs

40 Thrusters

40 Lateral Bar Burpees


Experienced CrossFitters could easily "game" this WOD and map out a reps/sets and work/rest strategy that produces a respectable and predictable time.  Or you could go out with a max set of each movement following a fairly fast row and then let the cards fall where they may - you might surprise yourself.  Or not.  But it's fun to try sometimes.  

Jenny Morgan