November Yoga: Monday Evenings + Sunday Mornings
Dani will be teaching Monday evening and Sunday morning yoga classes for the remainder of the month on the following dates:
Monday 11/6 at 7pm
Sunday 11/12 at 9am
Sunday 11/19 at 9am
Monday 11/27 at 7pm
For what to expect during one of Dani's yoga classes click here to read a previous post. Remember that yoga is available to all Arena Ready members as a part of your membership (there is no charge to attend!) - we simply ask that you sign-up for class in advance so that Dani knows how many to expect, and bring your own mat if you have one (we have a few to borrow if you don't). All levels of experience are welcome!
***Please note: the gym will be closed on Sunday, November 5th. Our Sunday Open Gym, Barbell Club, and Yoga classes will resume the following Sunday, November 12th.
WOD For 11-02-17:
3-Position Power Snatch (hip, knees, floor):
5 Sets of (1+1+1)
Climbing only as technique allows
3 Rounds For Time:
400m Run
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
12 Power Snatches @ 115/80 lbs