Baby Wyatt
With permission, we've reposted an excerpt from Brian and Michelle's tribute from Facebook below.
Hi everyone -
On Friday, Nov. 10, our sweet boy, Wyatt Chung Domingo passed away peacefully in our arms, while all three of us were in bed together. Wyatt knew that Michelle and I were finally comfortable after days of tremendous worry and pain. He knew it was time.
In lieu of gifts, cards, and flowers, we're asking people to donate to the California Pacific Medical Center Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The men and women of the NICU advocate for and protect the little fighters with little regard to what time of day it is or what little sleep they get. We smiled with them, hoped with them, and cried with them. We couldn't think of a more appropriate way to honor our son's fighting spirit.
Gifts may be made online at You can write something along these lines in the Tribute section of the form: “For the CPMC NICU, in memory of Wyatt Chung Domingo.” 100 percent of the donations will go to the CPMC NICU. Please pass this along to everyone you can.
Services will be held at McAvoy O'Hara (4545 Geary Blvd./10th Ave.) on Sunday, November 19 at 10am. All are welcome.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Michelle and I read every one of your messages to Wyatt. And we read those messages to ourselves for strength. We still do. We love you all, and your love keeps us going.
Michelle and Brian
Please note: the gym will be closed for Open Gym this Sunday so that members of our community can attend services for Wyatt.
WOD For 11-14-17:
Back Squat:
For Time:
400m Run
12 Back Squats @ 225/155 lbs
400m Run
9 Back Squats
400m Run
6 Back Squats
400m Run
Use a rack for the back squats.