The 2017 CrossFit Liftoff at Arena Ready
It's that time of year, and we're excited for the 3rd annual CrossFit Liftoff which officially starts on Thursday evening of this week. Like in previous years we'll be hosting the Liftoff for any Arena Ready members who would like to participate, and the current plan is to program Event 3 (AKA the "met-con" or "CrossFit portion" of the Liftoff) -- which will be announced worldwide on Thursday evening -- during either our Friday or Saturday classes (depending on the logistics and requirements of the announced WOD).
For the 1RM Snatch and Clean & Jerk portions of the Liftoff (AKA Events 1 and 2) we'll have Sunday Barbell class open to any participants of the Liftoff who ant to come in and test their lifts.
If you're interested in participating (all levels are welcome!) check out the video below and then register on the CrossFit Games website here (be sure to select Arena Ready CrossFit as your affiliate) -- there are also masters divisions this year for all of our amazing masters athletes, and a scaled division for the "met-con" portion of the competition!
Questions? Feel free to message me or Sarah and we're happy to help.
The Liftoff has a special place in our heart at Arena Ready, and we'll take a look back at previous years in tomorrow's post. Here's to continuing this fun tradition or friendly competition!
WOD For 11-29-17:
With a Partner, On a Running Clock...
A) From 0:00 - 10:00
Strict Press:
10 Minutes For Both Athletes to Establish a Heavy Single
Use the same barbell & rack and load/un-load for your sets accordingly.
B) From 15:00 - 30:00
AMRep (As Many Reps as Possible) 15 Minutes:
PARTNER A Completes AMRep of...
5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
10 Dumbbell Bench Presses @ 50/35 lbs (each side)
20 Walking Lunges
PARTNER B Completes...
25/20 Calorie Row OR 20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
Partner A completes AMRep of the 5-10-20 triplet while Partner B rows OR bikes, then athletes switch. The team's score is total reps completed of the triplet PLUS total calories rowed and/or biked.