Monday Evening Yoga
"Yo, are you heading out right after the 6pm CrossFit class?"
REMINDER that Dani is teaching Yoga class on Monday evening at 7:00pm so come on in (even if it's post-WOD) and get your flexy on, friends! For November Yoga classes dates & times click here before grabbing your mat.
Hope you all had a great weekend. That joke never gets old (to me). Sorry not sorry.
WOD For 11-06-17:
FIVE 90-Second Cycles for Max Reps:
20 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft
10 Deadlifts @ 245/165 lbs
MAX REPS Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
(Rest 90 Seconds Between Cycles)
Score = total number of C2B pull-ups completed.
Weighted Plank Hold:
3 x 0:45 (Rest 1:15 Between Efforts)