A Post Christmas Double Dose For Max Pounds!

Please note our Holiday Schedule (click here for details).

We hope you all had a great holiday weekend!

WOD For 12-26-17:

Strict Press (Cycle 1, Week 4 - "Deload Week"):

Using 90% of your top lift from 11-29-17 or 11-23-17 as your "base" weight...

40% x 5

50% x 5

60% x 5


Just like with the deadlifts on Friday, this is very, very light. In fact, we won't even use the racks (just power or muscle clean the bar from the floor). That's what a "deload week" means... enjoy it before the weights go up next week for Cycle 2.




A) Against a 4-Minute Clock For MAX POUNDS LIFTED:

33/25 Calorie Row 

33 Box Jumps @ 24/20 in

MAX Power Cleans @ "You Choose The Weight"





Jenny Morgan