Back To Basics: The Wall Ball
Many of you know how I feel about sloppy push-ups (if you don't, feel free to read my mini-rant here), and that same attitude applies, in large part, to the wall ball as well. The basic squat is the foundation of so much of human movement, and the wall ball is one of the most utilized versions of a squat in many CrossFit settings. Generally speaking, if you squat well in one version of a squat then you likely squat well in most or all of the others. Recently, however, a strange and anomalous epidemic has swept through our gym: OTHERWISE GOOD SQUATTERS NOT GOING BELOW PARALLEL ON WALL BALLS.
What, pray tell me, is going on?! Walk into any class when we're back squatting, front squatting, or hell, even snatching or cleaning, and most would say "Damn, that's a pretty good group of squatters and barbell movers right there!" Walk into any class recently with wall balls programmed and you might think "Huh, maybe they're supposed to be above parallel today? Like, you know, maybe it's a thing... a weird thing that Rob wrote into the programming."
No. No, I did not.
Somewhere along the way we lost our wall ball way. And now my spirited battle against floppy fish push-ups will have to start including half-rep wall balls as well... at least for the time being that is. I like to give folks the benefit of the doubt and assume that they're trying to go below -- so often I will ask "Hey, Jon Snow, are you allowed to squat below parallel?" Or in more detailed terms "Are you indeed the King of The North, and if so, are you currently working around something physical which dictates that you should not be going all the way down?"
So if you're cleared to squat below parallel and you're not doing it, please start. Like now. And if a coach tells you you're not below parallel please believe them -- they're not doing the workout, they can see straight, and their job is to tell you what they observe and help you correct it if needed. This is usually indicated by the the simple term "Go a little lower (fill in your name here)!" Generally this means "Hey your position looks great except now do the full movement."
I don't want to be a jerk and start subtracting reps from people mid-WOD (I have been known to do that in the past), but I do believe that intent does not equal achievement. And as I sit here with a surgically repaired left hip and about to start a rehab process (so that I can finally squat heavy below parallel, or back squat at all, for the first time in seven years) I say to you with much love DON'T MAKE ME KICK YOU WITH MY GOOD LEG FOR NOT USING YOUR PERFECTLY GOOD (TWO) HIPS TO GET BELOW PARALLEL.
Crabby Pants
(Next up in the cranky queue: "Please Try Signing Up For Class More Than 5 Minutes Before It Starts AKA The Rule of Universalizability")
WOD For 12-07-17:
Alternating EMOM For 4 Rounds (8 Minutes):
1) 80ft Single-Arm Overhead Kettlebell Carry @ pick load
2) 30 Seconds Wall Ball Bottom Position Static Hold @ pick load
This is for QUALITY.
The overhead carry should be done at a weight where you can hold the correct position and walk fairly slowly 40ft down & back (alternate sides with each round). Here's a hint: if you have limited overhead mobility this will be hard, so check your ego and choose a lighter KB so you can actually start to effect change.
"Rosemary v2.0"
FIVE 90-Second Cycles For MAX REPS of Burpees:
21-18-15-12-9 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs to 10/9 ft
15/11 Calorie Row
MAX REPS Burpees Over the Rower
(Rest 90 Seconds Between Cycles)
Wall Ball reps start at 21 in the first cycle and decrease by 3 reps every cycle -- do them unbroken. Sprint the row. Your score is the total number of burpees over the rower completed.
Pro Tip: Re-set and/or turn on the rower monitor just before you start each cycle, so you don't waste time in transitions.