The Open At Arena Ready: What, When, How
The announcement of Open 17.1 will take place on Thursday at 5pm. It's not too late to register for the Open on the CrossFit Games website here (please select Arena Ready CrossFit as BOTH your affiliate AND team). If you're on the fence about signing-up then read this and this, and then decide (or speak with a coach if you have any questions). If you're curious how it will all work read this first, then see below...
1) The gym will do each of the 5 Open workouts as rolling heats during our Saturday classes, starting this Saturday, Feb 25th, and for the remaining 4 weeks/workouts that follow. This previous post has all the initial details, and we'll cover more info on the eve of each Open Saturday at Arena Ready.
2) If, for some reason, you cannot do the workout with the rest of the gym on Saturday (travel, work trip, etc.), you can do it either on Thursday evening at 7pm (starting TODAY Thursday, Feb 23rd, following the announcement) OR during Open Gym on Sunday. You would sign-up in advance just as you would for any other class. If neither of those two make-up days/times work for you then please contact Sarah & Rob so we can discuss. You could, of course, also do the workout at another CrossFit gym in the area to which you're traveling (read this blog post first if you haven't already).
3) Every week the workout is announced to the world on Thursday at 5pm and your score submission to the CrossFit Games website is due by Monday at 5pm. We'll be viewing the live-streamed announcements every week at the gym, so feel free to come by at 5pm to watch some high-level CrossFit games athletes tackle the WOD immediately after CrossFit releases the workout details.
Any guesses what 17.1 will be???
WOD for 02-23-17:
Bent-Over Barbell Row:
Climbing for QUALITY
For Time:
600m Run
600m Row
25 Russian Kettlebell Swings @ 70/53
400m Run
400m Row
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
200m Run
200m Row
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings