Open 17.1 Is Upon Us

The first workout of the 2017 CrossFit Games Worldwide Open ("17.1") was released on Thursday evening, so if you're going to be completing the workout this weekend at Arena Ready (either during the fun craziness of our Open Heats during all Saturday classes, or during Sunday Open Gym) then please start by reviewing the workout details here and watching the standards video below - thanks!

More info on 17.1 Open Saturday at Arena Ready, including detailed logistics and strategy tips, in tomorrow (Friday) evening's post.   

WOD for 02-24-17:

2 Rounds For Pacing Notes:

1 Minute of One-Arm Dumbbell Snatches, alternating @ 50/35 lbs

1 Minute of Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 24/20 in

1 Minute of Rest


Plan your tempo ahead of time and hold yourself to the pace - this is NOT for max reps, this is to feel smooth, efficient, rhythmic movement... and to inform yourself of a reasonable pace for 17.1 on Saturday.  Read the movement standards in advance here so you can practice the way you'll play (e.g. you cannot have your "off" hand or arm touching your body on the snatches). 




4 Rounds For Time:

400m Run

10 Overhead Squats @ 95/65 lbs

10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

Jenny Morgan