AR End of The Open Get-Together: Sat, April 8th

We'll be having our annual "AR End of The Open Get-Together" next Saturday, April 8th, so please save the date if you're available!  A late afternoon/early evening timeframe is generally the preferred schedule so we'll likely keep with that tradition.  We're in the process of selecting the exact location and will update you both here and in the Arena Ready private Facebook Group once we've picked the spot (along with the exact start time).  It should be good times as always!  

Please note the gym will be closed on Sunday (April 2nd) but regular Open Gym will resume the following Sunday (April 9th).  

WOD for 04-01-17:

"Open 17.5 Partner Re-Mix"

11 Rounds For Time, With a Partner:

35 Thrusters @ 135/95 lbs

100 Double Unders 

35 Bar Facing Burpees

100 Calorie Row

Jenny Morgan