Open 17.2: Score Submissions Due By 5pm!

Wow, Open 17.2 was an exciting one at Arena Ready!  The gym was full of screams and applause during many moments of athlete firsts - first ever bar muscle-ups, first ever toes-to-bar, first ever DB walking lunges at 50/35 lbs.  It was a blast watching our people go crazy for their buddies, taking in all the energy that the Open is known for producing - great work, all.

Please REMEMBER TO SUBMIT YOUR 17.2 SCORE to the CrossFit Games website (click here) by the 5pm Monday deadline!  We cannot submit your score for you, so if you're on your phone or computer reading this do it now before you forget!  

WOD for 03-06-17:

With a Partner For Time:

60 Calorie Row

60 Deadlifts @ 155/105 lbs

50 Calorie Row

50 Hang Power Cleans @ 155/105 lbs

40 Calorie Row

40 Front Squats @ 155/105 lbs

30 Calorie Row

30 Push Jerks @ 155/105 lbs

20 Calorie Row

20 Clusters (AKA "Squat Clean Thrusters") @ 155/105 lbs


Only one athlete working at a time. Reps may be partitioned in any fashion and do NOT have to be split evenly. Partners must tag each other in/out for every transition.

Jenny Morgan