Open 17.2 Shout-Outs
Open 17.2 at Arena Ready is in the books and scores have been submitted and validated. It was an awesome workout at the gym, and Sarah and I were gushing about how well everyone did and how our people worked together to run Open Saturday smoothly and without a hitch. This was not an easy workout logistically, so we are thankful to all of you who were there on Saturday for making things fun and supportive - our athletes' desire to be gracious and considerate of everyone else's heat times, workout stations/equipment, and friends & families (who were present to cheer on their loved ones) was very much on display. Trust me when I say your awesomeness did not go unnoticed - so THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Thanks also to our awesome coaches, many of whom were also competing on Saturday as well - Coaches Hillary, Liz, Alyssa, Laura, Walker, Georgi, Lavinia, Jon, Lindsay, and Cody were all on hand to cheer, judge, keep folks safe, talk strategy, and scream with elation when someone got their first toes-to-bar, bar muscle-up, or weighted lunge at an Rx weight. Thank you team!
Speaking of firsts - a HUGE CONGRATS to all the athletes celebrating some breakthroughs on those aforementioned movements... whether it was a first ever, first in a workout, first in the current era, or first in the Open, your hard work and determination paid off and we're excited for you all. Big ups to Justin, Johnatan U., Brianne, Amy C., Amy D., Peter D., Umair, James M, James O., Randy (I see you, fam), Laika, Jeannie, Katy M, Catherine, Kathy, Mayra, Amy T., Nicole, Cara, Kathryn A., Michelle, Ed, Darrell, Lindsey B., Dani and anyone else who I may have forgotten (there was a lot of a commotion and so much going on, you'll have to forgive many of you made a possible "first" look so easy it very likely fooled me).
Thank you to everyone who judged, and especially those who stayed and judged multiple heats. A special thanks to Jess for judging in just about every heat the entire day, and to Squirrel for judging a big portion of the day and also for bringing in some delicious baked goods for everyone to enjoy.
WOD for 03-08-17:
5 Rounds For Total Time:
400m Run
9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls @ 115/80 lbs
12 Burpee Box Jumps @ 24/20 in
1 Minute Rest
Your time includes the four total minutes of forced rest (you are required to time your own rest periods)..